Monday 29 January 2018

Create a Facebook Page

I won't give instructions on how create a page as Facebook changes all the time. It's quite intuitive, actually, and if you visit your own page often you'll be able to take advantage of any new features. So here, I'll just leave a few tips.

First Decision

Do you want a separate page for every book, one about you as a writer or both? As you get more and more books out there, it can be difficult keeping up with multiple pages. Facebook always prompts you if you've not been there for a while, however. It unpublishes your page but you just have to post something to make it live again. This often forces you to find a new angle about your work.   
You might consider, for example, having one page for all of your short stories, all of your flash fiction and all of your poetry but separate pages for complete volumes such as novels and collections of short stories, flash fiction and poetry. 
Once you've decided, set about making your page as attractive as possible. Use as many pictures as you can.

Call to action

Always have a call to action. Normally, the action you want is that your readers buy your book. This isn't a hard sell. Your posts should interest your potential readers and your call to action, which Facebook displays at the top of your page, is a convenient way for your friends to find the book. It's easiest here to link to your book on Amazon.

What to post

You should let certainly let your fans know about any launches or other events. You can also think about:
·         When the book is on special offer
·         News to do with the book
·         News about events you've attended where your work has featured  – e.g. our celebration
·         Anything of interest to do with the research
·         Anything to do with any background issues in the book
·         Information about your writing process in producing this book  
·         If you're producing another book in the series, or a prequel or sequel, you might usefully talk about it here. Eventually you may want to produce a new page for the new work.
·         Use as many pictures as you can- as long as they're not copyrighted.

Life-time of the page

You may feel that you run out of things to say. However, I find that when I get that prompt from Facebook, I can usually find something and it keeps me in touch with my fans.
You always have the option of closing down your book page and redirecting your fans to your author page if it really does become too much.  

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